WARNING: The quality of the photos below do NOT reflect the photos generally posted on this blog - they better not or I'm in trouble. My crazy expensive camera stayed home and given my flying woes, thank God it did! Oh, and if you see a very happy girl with glasses in the pictures below, don't be alarmed, that's just me. I was very tired and giddy ;) Have you heard of Haven? It's a blogger conference held in Atlanta every summer for the last 6 years and it's organized by these lovely ladies: Rhoda/Chris/Traci/Kristen Last year was my first Haven and I went when my blog was only 4 days old - I think other bloggers thought I was nuts! But I never once regretted going being so new to the game. I learned an incredible amount and built wonderful relationships so with that, I didn't ... [ Read More ]
Hello 2017!
Now that 2016 has come to a close and we've started 2017, John and I did a little reflection and planning for the new year. I thought I'd share a little of that with you! We usually assign a meaningful word to live by for each year. In 2016, that word for me was courage. Every time I was feeling anxious, shy, unsure or just plain scared, I remembered that word and pushed through. Starting this blog last year is definitely an example of me doing just that. To those that have met me, I seem like quite the extrovert but I'm actually not! There were so many instances where I had to keep referring myself to that word, courage, and each time it helped. For 2017, my word is believe! This is the year where I will pay a little more attention on myself, both inside and out. ... [ Read More ]
Happy Holidays!!!
It's Christmas!!! Wishing you all a wonderful everything this season! Let's check back in the new year, ok? ... [ Read More ]