School is coming up quick for our kiddos so it’s time to think of lunch prep (gah!) and organizing! We needed a back to school drop zone system quick since our current system was pretty much drop everything on the floor when you come in. Until now!
Our “Back to School” Drop Zone System!
Sniff. My little girl is now 4 (FOUR!!!) and she will be off to kindergarten next week. If you asked me where the time went, I have seriously no idea!! But I have been enjoying all of the back to school organizing and shopping 🙂 Her and I have hit the town running and I think we have all of the clothes and school supplies ready but looking at our entryway that we re-did not long ago, things needed to be tweaked a bit. (Just as a refresher, this L-shaped bench was created with using IKEA’s “Besta” line).
The Mess!
Basically the storage bench is storing junk! It has nothing that we really access on a daily basis so shoes and papers and pretty much everything gets dumped either on the bench or on the floor. Which is NOT a good system. It needed a re-think!
My Inspiration!
Enter the lovely Jen from “I Heart Organizing” and her back to school cubby system for her boys! Inspiration struck!
Photo courtesy of “I Heart Organizing”
Our back entryway is our main access point to the house and the storage bench we installed lends itself well to a system similar to Jen’s. When I revisited her post recently, I got excited!
The Plan!
The cubby closest to the door was going to house one bin for boots and one bin for shoes.
The next cubby contains another two bins: one for hats and mitts (the cold weather is coming kids!) and the other is for, what I call, her “activity gear”. We’re talking helmets, uniforms, etc.
The last cubby is going to hold her backpack and lunch bag, two file folders for her school work and notices and a bin for school labels (we LOVE “Mabels Labels”).
The Results?
So far our kiddo is putting away her things in the right bins even before school starts but time will tell if it will always stay this neat and organized!
What type of back-to-school system do you have in your home? Let me know! (I love being inspired by new ideas!)
Jessica says
I love it! It looks so organized! Today I started organizing the fridge and pantry to make packing lunches easier. I haven’t tackled the mudroom yet, but that’s on my to-do list at some point.
Jessica recently posted…How to build deck stairs from pressure treated lumber
Lidia says
Jess! I’m dying over here with having to prep lunches for the first time – gah!! You’ll have to give me some tips!