Lego. Some parents cringe at that word, others LOVE Lego but one thing’s for sure, every kids room has some! When I participated in last year’s spring “One Room Challenge”, I re-did my daughter’s room but I ran out of time in putting some of my ideas into action. This DIY Lego table is one of them!
In the original room design, the one little table at the end was to be transformed into a Lego table but it remained as it was because of my poor planning!
But not anymore!
A DIY Lego Table
Step 1: Gather your materials!
There are lots of tutorials on how to make Lego tables using Lego baseplates but those work well with square or rectangular shaped tables. In my case, the shape of this little table is more like an oval and cutting rigid baseplates would be difficult. Enter this flexible Lego tape! This is the product I used (affiliate link provided): Lego Tape by Mayka
Tip! Buy more than what you need. I needed 4 rolls and I bought them at different times. So I ended up with 2 rolls with one design and 2 rolls with another. I ended up staggering the strips (one with one design and one with the other design) which thankfully worked. BUT, rule of thumb, like wallpaper, buy a bunch in the same lot at the same time to avoid any unforeseen headaches!
Step 2: Measure, cut and apply your first strip – carefully!
The Lego tape is easy to cut (just make sure your scissors are sharp). But it’s not cheap so you want to make sure your strips that you cut are pretty close to the exact amount you need. With my table, I needed to have a bit of an overhang on both sides so that I can later cut the strips to the shape of the table.
Step 3: Repeat Step 2 and apply more strips!
As you add another strip, make sure to take a Lego piece and test whether or not the Lego nubs are lined up. The adhesive on the Lego tape is VERY forgiving so it’s easy to re-position each strip without it damaging the surface of your table.
Step 4: Once your table is covered in strips, flip it over and cut the excess pieces!
Take your time with this step as you want the edging to be as smooth as possible.
Step 5: Flip your table right side up and enjoy!
With that, you are officially done with this DIY! (Pretty easy, right?!)
And the most important thing about all this? My kiddo approves!
I’m so glad I finally got this project done. I have a few more up my sleeve as I believe a room is never really done! 😉
Eileen says
I love this, Lidia! Our lego is definitely getting out of control here! Right now it’s all confined to my hubs office since we have a little one crawling around too! But I will definitely keep this in mind! It would be a fun birthday present 🙂 That’s amazing too that you just used scissors for the lego tape!
Lidia says
Thanks so much!! Let me know if you give this a go! xo
Xu says
This is so cool!!!
Lidia says
Thanks my friend! xo
Amy says
Great job! My daughter would love this, although she has Duplos, not Legos. I’m not sure they make an adhesive strip for that… I’m sure it will provide tons of entertainment for her over the years. 🙂
Amy recently posted…Clever Ways to Organize Your Kid’s Toys
Lidia says
Hmm…I’ll check about the Duplo – I wouldn’t be surprised if they did carry something similar??
Shirley says
DONE! Nothing feels better than actually finishing a project you promised yourself you’d do! That table waited for you & now it is a great spot for your daughter to do her design projects with her lego.
Lidia says
Right?! Agreed!!! xoxo
Christina says
Oh this is such a clever idea for a playroom. I am going to make a similar one for my little granddaughter! Thank you for the inspiration!
Christina recently posted…Πως να κρύψουμε ένα άσχημο παράθυρο
Lidia says
Aww, thanks so much Christina!!
Michelle says
WHAT!!!!!!! There’s flexible Lego tape!!!! That’s just brilliant. Total game changer. I sure hope I can find some here in South Africa or that they’ll ship here. Super cool
Lidia says
I know, right?! I didn’t know such a product existed and now my head is spinning with ideas!! LOL!!
Mary says
Lidia there was no such strip when my kids were in their Lego phase. Unfortunately, everything was always on the floor. Your table is beautiful and functional. It looks like a sculpture with that textured top.
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Lidia says
Thank you so much Mary!! xo